Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What About Arsenio By Raymond Tyler

Let’s talk for real. Wanda and George have made serious in roads in pop culture and are at the top of their games. When it comes to late night talk however, Arsenio is still a legend and the king in absence.

I believe there are maybe thousands of people like myself who respect Arsenio and despise the studios for running Arsenio off late night.

To be clear. I respect Arsenio because he promised America and Minister Louis Farrakhan a passionate and real discussion. Dispite warnings and down right threats, Arsenio kept his word. Arsenio also delivered 90 minutes of discussion that should be a part of TV history.
To all of the execs at Fox and other networks who “will never forgive Arsenio.” GET OVER IT. Admit you were wrong.

This is America and since it was Arsenio’s name on the show he could have anyone he wanted on the show and if people don’t want to see it, they would've tuned in.

Arsenio Hall knows how to put on a show. A little over the top but still he was the only person who could bring Muhammad Ali on and handle the interview with class and give the champ the spot light he’s earned.

When it comes to late night talk shows I know s few things.

I love David Letterman. He’s the best that’s on right now.

What was done to Johnny Carson was wrong and I have a hard time getting over that.

Jimmy Falon, when I can catch him is actually pretty funny.

There’s been a hole left in my TV set since Arsenio has been gone. Thanks to youtube I can go back to when 11:30 during the week was our time.

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