Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Magic Wanda By Raymond Tyler

Wanda Sykes has been magic for HBO since her beginnings as a writer for The Chris Rock Show.
On HBO she is allowed to be as much Wanda as she wants when ever she wants.
On Fox she has been historically a little less magic. Her first Fox Show, the sit-com Wanda At Large was a great show. In fact FOX has had many phenomenal shows with black casts but FOX doesn’t have a history of standing by them.
Based on the way Fox has dismissed great shows let’s hope Mrs. Sykes gets her contract money up front.
What will make Wanda Sykes Show a Smash: Being only on Saturday Night’s and going up against a Saturday Night Live run that’s almost as funny as when Eddie Murphy was on the show, I don’t see Sykes Show being a “smash.” It can be a solid hit filling the gap left by Mad TV. Truth of the matter FOX let Mad TV go because of the budget costs. Did I say Mrs. Sykes needs to get as much money up front as she can carry?

What Will Make The Wanda Sykes Show a Flop: Poor guests. If Mrs. Sykes tries to be something she really isn’t. It’s been leaked that she’ll try some Bill Mahr type of political discussion; that might not be what people are tuning in for on a Saturday Night. At her worst Sykes should be at least interesting. The only other problem is that realistically she is only so funny. Unlike David Chappelle she won’t have the ability to really shock the viewer or really break new ground. However, check back in a view weeks, I would love to have to write, that I was wrong.

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